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The Price of Using Diet Pills to Lose Weigh

The industry of weight loss in the world more than a billion strong with new products launched each day dollars. But what is the price people pay for being beautiful and slim ? Your life is not the price you pay for an hourglass figure ! Private clinics prescribe weight loss pills like candy . In fact , there are many cases in which illegal drugs, including amphetamines are prescribed freely. Some common side effects of diet pills are:

- Drugs such as suburbanite nervous suppress fat burning which causes an increase in blood pressure and heart rate system . This exposes the risk of heart attack and cardiac arrest , but especially those who suffer from hypertension. Some pills that are designed to maintain the body's energy actually stimulates the nervous system. These stimuli increase the risk of heart attack and stroke in a person.

- Other side effects include headache, dry mouth, etc. These drugs can cause a disruption in sleep patterns leads to insomnia. While insomnia may seem harmless , has serious consequences , including increased risk of a person with type II diabetes , fatigue , stress and fatigue. The National Security Administration estimated that 1-6 road accidents are caused by car drivers dream and assimilated even tired of driving drunk drivers .

- Most of the diet pills over the counter are known to contain phenyl . Recent studies have shown that this active ingredient may increase the risk of stroke.

- Most of the tablets for the use of diuretics. When abused diuretics can lead strip the body of essential fluids and cause potassium deficiency. The body cells need water balance to function effectively. The loss of water causes an irregular heartbeat , disorientation and dizziness .

- The liver is responsible for cleansing the body of chemicals and other toxins . But these diet pills are so powerful that damage the liver . Although the judgment of the consumer can reverse the damage , long-term use of these pills forever damage the liver.

Of course, the side effects of each drug varies with the pills. These medications are intended only for short term use , but people in their ignorance are often beyond their intended use. This can be very dangerous and even cause permanent damage or death. This does not mean that obese people to lose hope . Certainly pills can use if prescribed by your doctor also monitors strictly use. In addition , natural remedies can help a person lose weight .

The author of this paper about the health issues that affect the common man and people tips on how to lose weight and natural foods that burn fat article . For more information, visit

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