do you think that these are the best solutions?

Healthy Eating For Children

We've all been bombarded with information , advertising and absolute fluff about food . Everyone is an expert, and everyone has a theory.

We are told that these days all you have ever taught about what we eat and our children is wrong. We are told , for example , the average Western diet of 40 percent carbohydrates , 40 percent fat and 20 percent protein is the heart, if you'll excuse the pun , of the matter. For some people , a diet rich in complex carbohydrates is great , for others, it causes problems. Some people need ( and can tolerate ) high levels of fat and protein.

So who is right? Hard to say . All we know is that all the experts suggest that , to one degree or another , which is completely changing the way we eat .

All this is very difficult because what we eat is so based on our culture and consciousness of self. We are constantly bombarded by advertisements for the latest fast food ( some say " fatty foods " ) burger combination . We are told to drink lots of milk. We are taught that last dinner out is steak and lobster . We are tempted by the slick TV ads to buy often high in salt and low in fiber foods.

On the other hand , there are those who accuse design advocates little or no fat food so dry and tasteless , could be mistaken for dog snacks . Why? Because we have become so accustomed to the fat , sugar and salt are the main components of the flavor of our food .

There are thousands of issues that affect us all food, calorie flavor. However, two consequences of a healthy diet are distinguished : health and weight (not necessarily in that order). These are related, but perhaps not as directly as it may seem .

No wonder there is too much obesity in Western culture , especially in children. With the strong association of our culture is between inactivity and luxury , with a portion of the food values ​​we cherish , all that is really amazing is that most people who are not overweight . Have you heard how difficult it is for American tourists to fit into Japanese bus seats ?

Like adults , children need to eat a variety of foods from different food groups to get all the nutrients needed for growth and good health . And do not forget : children are influenced by their eating habits and you can help them develop healthy eating habits , maintaining access to a wide variety of food in the form of your child prefers .

Here are some tips to help you and your children a healthier lifestyle :

Make a list of all the healthy foods your kids are ready to eat and shop . You eat the food you have on hand . You can make a big batch of smoothies or soups additional remains of shops to eat another day.
Do not think of a healthy diet as a "diet" . , Whole unprocessed foods are what nature intended you eat. Eating healthy is a choice and a lifestyle .
Avoid foods that are advertised as "diet" or "fat " . Probably contain artificial ingredients . Get real food instead.
Plan meals in advance. Avoid getting into a situation where you do not have the time , energy or ability to give their children access to healthy foods.
Do not let your children eat because they are bored , sad, lonely , low-energy , angry , stressed or if you want a kind of taste sensation. Do not use food as a drug , some people use food to numb maintain as they do not have the momentum for change . Sugar , wheat , aspartame , caffeine and many other ingredients in foods are downright addictive.
Identify the worst foods to feed their children now and decide to eliminate one per week until you've replaced most unhealthy choices with healthy alternatives. Once you start eating healthy on a regular basis , it will be easier to continue eating healthily. You start to crave healthy foods and healthy salad mine can also be, literally , the mouth begins to salivate . They say it takes 21 days to break a habit and 40 days to really change this bad habit into a good habit , if you eat healthy things for over a month, you can still eat healthy for the rest of your life if you wish . Set intermediate goals as " no grains for three weeks " or " No sugary drinks for three weeks. "

Steven Bolton eHealthy Eating for launched in 2013 to provide a valuable source of information for parents and others interested in the eating habits and nutritional outcomes for children today .

The last decades have seen a significant reduction in the quality of available food, as the food supply has been increasingly industrialized and natural foods marginalized. This site aims to restore balance and provide a source of information for people who want to improve your family's diet .

Although the site focuses mainly on children , his message of healthy eating and nutrition education is also true for adults who want to improve their diet. To visit the site

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